Living abroad brings to surface a complex range of feelings that often form into one amalgam that solidifies into solitude. The dimensions of it are yet not identified but perceived and expressed into waves of pleasure, pain and loneliness. The works at the exhibition show different manifestations of that, according to each artist, going beyond plain visuality.
During the finissage, I was able to play some of my music, and this is what you can listen to it below.

When it comes to the sound that you'll hear here, my goal was to find ways to combine songs from my previously released albums and come up with something new. I selected small tape loops and combined them with different samples and noise machines to develop a way to play my songs live.
During the performance, it was hard to figure out the high and low notes and textures and I decided to remix them in a clearer way for the album.

Visually speaking, the design language that I decided to follow is a combination of the artwork I created for a black sun shines on me and white dead eyes stare into the void, albums that I released before this presentation.
I played a lot with noise textures to represent the sound textures visually.